A letter: 28/09/11

The Lisen Profile Travel Journal

28th September 2011

Dear Carole, Diane, Eileen, Ian and Jo,

I hope you are all well and that you are enjoying this amazing weather that we are having! I’m sorry that I haven’t been in touch sooner. I have been very busy with one thing and another over the past few weeks.

I am contacting you as it is now time to conclude the project that we started before the summer. Allotment Soup, the creative harvest celebration event that will take place at the allotment is now about a month away. I would like to invite you all back to the allotment (Diane and Ian are already there I know!) to work with me to create a piece of textiles work based on the journeys that we took. I will be transferring the journey lines that we marked on the maps onto fabric and then I would like to invite you all to help me stitch the lines. You can do as much or as little as you like. I will be working on stitching the lines myself but I would love it if you all contributed to the sewing (no stitching experience/ expertise needed!) The work will be displayed during Allotment Soup.

Whilst at the allotment I will tell you about the Allotment Soup event and let you know how you can contribute artwork to the event if you so desire (be that through making a piece of work for it or showing some work that you have already made or not at all!)

The dates and times that I will be at the allotment are Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th October (so from this Wednesday) each day from around 10-4. If you would like to contribute to the stitching and/ or the art for the event please get in touch with me either on my mobile or by email to let know a time so I can know when to expect you.

I very much look forward to working with you again and creating a piece of artwork from our journeys.

With very best wishes,
